Care within your neighbourhood
The care facilities in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen are good. All disciplines are on hand, and there are hardly any waiting lists or pressing problems, partly because of the proper agreements with institutions in Flanders. Many people choose to have certain treatments carried out in this region, in combination with a pleasant stay to recover fully. Anyone who undergoes a cosmetic or medical procedure will receive all the care and support they need. The various care institutions in the region can be found in the following overview.
Health care
ZorgSaam is a regional hospital that scores very highly in terms of quality nationwide. They offer all specialisms. In Terneuzen you find the hospital 'De Honte' and in Oostburg the hospital 'Antonius', and in Hulst you can find an outpatient clinic. There is a senior citizens' clinic in both Hulst and Oostburg. Patients can stay here temporarily if they have had all their medical treatment but are not yet able to go home.
The general practitioners in the region have joined forces in Nucleuszorg with an Urgent Care Centre (HAP) in Oostburg and Terneuzen.
You can choose your own GP or dentist when you come to live here. In centres close to the border, some people go to a Flemish GP. Flanders and the province of Zeeland work side by side when it comes to healthcare.
Cross-border care is therefore not a problem, provided if you have the right health insurance. This is also useful for referrals to the Ghent University Hospital, with which ZorgSaam maintains very close contact. Patients are referred to a specialist in this renowned academic hospital for top clinical care. Further treatment can then often be provided in Terneuzen. ZorgSaam also keeps in close touch with other hospitals in Flanders. More information can be found on the website of ZorgSaam.
Mental Health
The organisation Emergis offers help for psychological or psychiatric problems through outpatient care, day treatment, clinic, hostel, long-term care, assisted living, addiction care, sheltered housing, day activities, social work and much more. More information can be found on the website of Emergis.
Elderly Care
Care group ZorgSaam Zeeuws-Vlaanderen offers elderly people throughout Zeeuws-Vlaanderen a wide range of options in the areas of housing, welfare, care and treatment. They are setting new standards with new buildings, a new approach to services and a different view of care.
There are various SVRZ facilities (elder care organisation) for elderly people in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Care group ZorgSaam Zeeuws-Vlaanderen runs thirteen residential care centres in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen and provides home care throughout the region.
Disability care
The most important organisation in the care for people with an intellectual disability is Tragel. This is a transmural organisation that provides care and support to people with intellectual disabilities in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Based on the needs of the individual client, they offer a variety of care and support in terms of housing, day care, leisure activities, home care and weekend and holiday care. More information can be found on the website of stichting Tragel.