With about 150 enthusiastic participants, 24 fascinating speakers and workshop facilitators, a fine welcome by mayor Marga Vermue, an interesting keynote by Dimitri Barbe and an inspiring catch of the day with Santina Driesen, Ann Tavernier and alderman Jean-Paul Hageman, we look back on the successful event LEt'S go ONBEGRENSD. All this was enthusiastically presented by Lieneke de Wolf.

Together we are working on a labour market, housing market and a sustainable Euroregion Scheldemond where borders play a minimal role. We proved this on 5 October 2022 at the unique location of the Verbeke Foundation.

Staying up-to-date

Couldn't you attend the event? Are you curious to know how it was? Or do you just want to reminisce? Then watch our aftermovie to soak up the atmosphere. Also, on the LinkedIn pages of Lerende Euregio Scheldemond (LES) and OnbegrensdZeeuwsVlaanderen we would like to keep you informed about our activities and events in the future.

We noticed that the event brought a lot of energy. Many participants are curious about ongoing initiatives and want to get or stay in touch with each other. That is only to be welcomed! To give everyone that opportunity, we have created a LinkedIn group around the event. You can join via www.linkedin.com/groups/12722397. We warmly invite you to become a member. Feel free to invite other contacts for whom this may be of interest. Photos of the event can also be found on this page.

Thank you!

We hope that all participants, speakers, and workshop facilitators look back on LEt'S go ONBEGRENSD with as much excitement as we do, and that the ambition to work together on these three themes has only increased. Thank you to all the speakers and workshop facilitators for sharing your knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm. And thank you to all participants for your interest and participation!