The story of
"I can say with 100% certainty that I have set my Brussels heart on Zeeuws-Vlaanderen."
My name is Ilse van Nijverseel. I was born and raised in Brussels. From an early age, I got to experience the ins and outs of a big city. I have lived there for all my life, attended school and university, and worked in the big city for 4 years. But in 2021, I fell in love and thus moved to Zeeuws-Vlaanderen to live and work there. Moving from a big dazzling city to the small village of Sluiskil took some time getting used to and it was quite a challenge. But I can confidently say that I haven't regretted my move for a second.
It all started when I first met my boyfriend, Bas. He is a typical guy from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen and has lived in Terneuzen for his entire life. I had never heard of it and had no idea where exactly it was. But suddenly I could be found in Terneuzen every weekend. I met new people and soon felt at home. Every weekend there was something fun to do: cosy outings with friends, eating out or just having a cup of coffee and a piece of cake at a beach pavilion. Especially the latter we often did. For me, the beach has always been synonymous with holiday and tranquility. The fact that the beach is close by was a relief for me.
When Bas and I wanted to take the next step of living together, the choice was easily made for me: I would leave Brussels and move to Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. We started looking for a house and I started looking for a new job. I was soon able to start working for the municipality of Terneuzen as a financial consultant. I couldn't have wished for anything better; a fun and challenging job, and half an hour by bike from home! Especially the latter is not so obvious in a big city like Brussels. :)
I have lived here for almost a year now, and what I can still enjoy so much is the holiday feeling I get: the peace, the nature, the sea... and I still have this feeling after all this time. I completely unwind here. Compared to the hasty and hurried life in the busy city, living in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen is a relief – you feel at ease. Even though Brussels remains my only real home and I still love coming there, I wouldn't want to change.
I can say with 100% certainty that I have set my Brussels heart on Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.